Since media jumped off the physical medium onto the virtual one in the early 2000’s, it’s been intense!
Every week we hear of new digital media tools and innovative ways to utilize them. And every year there are fresh trends that dominate the market.
With the help of technology – aided customer insights and simplified platforms to explore these, the key to say ahead in the digital media world is by knowing the latest.
So, here are some top trends in media that you must be aware of, in order to achieve the highest ROI:
Digital Entertainment – Sis Loves Me

You need to be sure which audience you want to target. For example if you are looking to sell your goods for people interested in taboo subjects you should aim for people visiting series like Sis Loves Me – where step siblings are having intercourse relations under one roof. The concept that’s been released in 2016 is still very popular right now and the this particular audience is sure to try your products.
Advertising On E-Commerce Sites

Pay – Per – Click (PPC) or Pay – Per – Impression (PPI) ads are the ones you can place on e-commerce websites. Last year, almost 2 billion individuals bought online, making e-commerce more than a short-lived trend. It’s the future.
The top e – comm sites globally include Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Taobao and Walmart but there are close to 20 million others to choose from, so options are plenty. You can get as creative as you desire with your e-comm ads. Both PPC and PPI ads can be created and shared via platforms such as Ad blade (Ad cast) and Google AdSense.
Branding Via Social Media
Social Media has evolved from a means for entertainment to a serious branding platform. Information depicted via social media offer a real, approachable quality to a brand that works wonders with audiences.
Relevant, attractive and truthful content makes branding through social media tools more effective. High impact, telling logos and images work best. Though Facebook and Twitter can do the job, the preferred avenue these days is Instagram and the trick is mind-blowing visual treats!
Getting Mobile-Friendly

This isn’t a recent trend but more relevant than every before. There are more than 5 billion mobile phone users in the world who glance at their phones at least 60 times a day. That’s an opportunity that cannot be missed.
If your website is still not optimized for mobile phone access, now is a good time to convert. Google backs you when your website is mobile responsive. Check to see if it is right here!
Tools such as Colorlib, Wirefy, Browser stack can help boost your mobile responsiveness.
Advertising Funded Video On Demand
This trend follows the one in which subscription video – on – demand via Netflix, Amazon and Sony Crackle is gaining momentum. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, it combined with video advertising budgets to emerge as AvoD.
As broadcasters clamor to keep up with this fast-growing segment, brands are devising the most compelling ways to deliver video content to their consumers.
The latest trends in media revolve primarily around buying, living and information tendencies of consumers.
Added to the above points, we can also look forward to ideas such as instant voice search mechanisms, augmented or virtual realities plus AI and Machine Learning technology to support every aspect of media, whether for promotion, education or mere entertainment.
So, watch this space for more!

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